A popular and growing trend is the rise of luxury communities offering plenty of land to farm and garden. Many of these, however, are in remote mountaintop locations because most of the communities closer to town only offer small lots. This is what truly makes Cane Creek so special. Within a 10 minute drive you can find yourself in South Asheville, East Asheville, downtown Asheville and yet have a large property where you can farm or garden.
Cane Creek Is for Gardening Lovers
There aren’t too many developments in the country where you can enjoy all the amenities of a booming city, get a custom-built luxury home and have enough room and local approval to grow a good-sized healthy garden or even create your very own mini-farm. But in Western North Carolina, you’re not only welcomed to garden at your own pace, but encouraged to do so.
Part of owning luxury homes near Asheville at The Farm at Cane Creek is that each lot is an acre or more, providing more than enough room for greenhouses and gardens, small crops and even farm animals. All this and you’re only 20 minutes from bustling Asheville or quaint Hendersonville.
What Grows Well in the Mountains?
Gentlemen farmers and weekend crop warriors enjoy the process of growing small crops that produce an abundance of nourishing food. But you may not have the time, space or inclination to fight to maintain good soil or nurture barren spots. When you start a mini-farm near Asheville or build a garden on your land at The Farm at Cane Creek, you don’t have to deal with any of that.
The fertile soil in the Cane Creek area is ideal for a number of vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers. The land, coupled with the mild seasons found in Western North Carolina, are ideal for growing small crops and easy batches of veggies such as:
- Tomatoes
- Zucchini and summer squash
- Beans
- Cucumbers
Fruit trees that thrive in the climate include:
- Chestnut
- Pear
- Apple
- Fig
What’s the Best Type of Garden to Build?
The developers of The Farm at Cane Creek grew up on the land. They encourage all types of gardens at these luxury homes near Asheville. They know from experience that most delicious foods always come from your own garden.
So grow the types of food you want to eat and share. Build the kind of thriving garden you have the time and commitment to grow and harvest. Popular gardens that work well in the Cane Creek development include:
- Keyhole gardens that require very little space and as little as an hour a week to maintain. They also make great use of the rain and composting in this eco-friendly neighborhood.
- Raised bed gardens provide a longer growing season than plants growing in the ground. They adapt well to the changing seasons and can host a wide range of flowers and vegetables.
- Herb gardens are wonderful sources of seasonings and homegrown medicine. Herbs that do particularly well in the North Carolina mountains include basil, peppermint, oregano and cilantro. Herbs also do exceptionally well in container gardens around your porch or patio.
- Greenhouse gardens add a lovely glass-enclosed feature to luxury homes in Asheville’s neighboring communities like The Farm at Cane Creek. You maintain more control over your plants and vegetables by controlling the environment.
- Flower gardens add color and depth to your landscape. They dress up the exterior of your home and add a wonderful outdoor ambiance. Go for perennials like hostas, daylilies and hibiscus. Line your walkways with annuals that flourish in the mountains, such as zinnias, periwinkle and Carolina phlox.
Whether you choose to have a small in-ground garden of vegetables or a mini-farm near Asheville, you have access to avid, experienced volunteer gardeners through the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. They’re always eager to help and offer a plethora of online and in-person classes and workshops. The Farm at Cane Creek offers a welcoming atmosphere for gardeners. Call today for a tour.
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